Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wipe the what?? With who?!

Yeah. That would be Wipe the floor with me. Cause that was pretty much the story last night! Got to class around 615 and did some stretching and tried to meet a couple of the guys there. There are women at that gym but they are few and far between so it happened that I was the only one last night. That's fine though, I decided right up front that I was going to get over the awkwardness and just fight for fighting's sake, which is why I fell in love with this sport in the first place.

The first few minutes is some crazy conditioning that is pretty 'sport specific'. In other words, there is no other reason someone would do this... to prepare for grappling. Imagine doing that as quickly as you can all the way down the mat while simultaneously ignoring the fact that you're brand-new and feel like a duck swimming in a desert.

Then we gather around the teacher and watch him demo a move on a hapless victim. After that we pair up and practice, practice, practice! The hour went way too fast. So I stayed for the session at 730 when the more experienced guys come and just practice. I did the conditioning and practicing with them, then Jason Bircher (the instructor) had us pair up and just free-style grapple. He took me on a couple of rounds and it was even more fun than I thought it would be. After that I just sat on the sidelines and soaked it all in.

I felt fine when I woke up this morning but hour by hour as the day goes by I get more and more sore :) It's not a specific area, it's just an overall soreness from my neck down to my feat. I had no idea how much I would use my neck for BJJ but by the end of the night I was so fatigued I could barely lift my head off the floor; I had to use my arms to prop myself up. I'll probably need the week to recover.

I can't say that I've been more beat up and happy at the same time in my whole life! The whole experience was thrilling and I can't wait to get back to the gym.

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